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Ketsia • Princess of Israel

Ketsia • Princess of Israel

Regular price NIS75.00 ILS
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Ketsia, Princess of Israel is the daughter of King Solomon. She is a young girl as beautiful as she is intelligent, full of good will and faith in the dazzling adage of our Sages: "All is for good".

Her story is not simple, but her qualities will make her a model for all the Jewish children who discover her.

Ketsia, Princess of Israel, revealed herself to us from the Midrash (explanations and anecdotes from a Torah text). This is an illustrated book, in colour, of about thirty pages.

It is the story of King Solomon who greatly admires his daughter Ketsia, he then goes to see the High Priest who prophesized through the stones of his breastplate that the husband would be an unknown and poor man.

Faced with this disappointing revelation, King Solomon decides to take a drastic action to prevent this fate. But can Hashem’s plan be really thwarted?

How will the story unfold?

Is it all really for the good?

This book addresses these questions while entertaining and enriching our children's Jewish knowledge.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 38 reviews
Simone de Londres
Ketsia la princesse d'Israel.

Cinq sur cinq, j'ai apprécié ce livre et le recommande vivement. L'habit ne fait pas le moine.... Et on ne peut pas changer son destin.......

Muriel Farhi
Magnifique oeuvre pour les petits et les grands

On a adoré ce livre! Les dessins sont expressifs, modernes, aux couleurs attrayantes. L'histoire nous fait voyager dans un conte merveilleux issu du Midrash, plein de belles valeurs de notre morale juive. A se procurer à tout prix!

מעולה !

הספר עשוי כהלכה. הציורים עשויים להפליא והסיפור כולו מוגש יפה מאוד לילדים. בראבו !ֶ

Simone de Londres
Excellent et très éducatif ce livre.

Mes compliments au rédacteur et on en parle!!!!


קראנו את הספר המהמם לילדים והם ממש התלהבו ♥️♥️♥️, מומלץ בחום 👑